JOL2 hands heart sun

Opening the Heart
Joy of Living Level 2 Meditation Workshop

In this 2-day meditation workshop with Tergar Guide Kell Julliard, we will learn how meditating on loving-kindness and compassion can open our hearts to the world around us and relax the self-centered tendencies that lead to anxiety, dissatisfaction, and suffering.

Cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity helps us to see the basic goodness that all beings share. By relating to others in an open-hearted way, we bring peace to the mind and develop a sense of confidence and purpose. This, in turn, naturally brings harmony to our relationships and enables us to work with challenging situations more effectively.

This workshop includes video teachings by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, short presentations on the key points of meditation practice, as well as guided meditations and discussion.

Questions: contact Kell Julliard,, 917-648-7695


When:  9 am to 4:30 pm on both . . .

  •  Saturday, October 19, 2024
  • Saturday, October 26, 2024


Grace Church Amherst - Parish Hall
16 Spring Street (entrance to Parish Hall)
Amherst, MA 01072


Cost (sliding scale, payable at the door)

Suggested contribution for whole workshop: $135

Donate at the door what you feel you can afford


About the Workshop Leader

Kell Julliard is certified as a mindfulness teacher through the International Mindfulness Teachers Association. He has studied intensively with Mingyur Rinpoche since the founding in 2009 of Tergar International, an educational non-profit. Over the course of his life, he has practiced deeply in other meditation traditions, including Sufism, Qabalah, shamanism, and Christianity.

A member of Grace Church, Kell has led Joy of Living meditation groups since 2010 and Joy of Living workshops since 2013 and mentors meditation groups on the East Coast. He also teaches meditation regularly for Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Point 32 Health's wellness programs. 

Kell has a master’s degree in Expressive Therapy from the University of Louisville and a Master of Fine Arts in Dramatic Direction from the University of Arizona. With academic appointments at several universities including New York University School of Medicine, he mentored medical and dental residents for twenty-five years in learning about, designing, and implementing clinical research. He lives with his husband in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, and enjoys singing in the Grace Church choir, playing classical chamber music on pipe organ and flute, painting icons, and spending time in nature.